Objective: Translating Climate Change Awareness in different settings and contexts has been a focus for OceanValley Ltd and Aberdeen Climate Action CIC since 2014. Occurrence: An opportunity to reach out to over 1000 puils between the ages of 11 and 17 about Climate Change required a fresh approach: stimulating the intelligence of the pupils at a prestigious oil-focussed secondary school, challenging them to see the environmental predicament from an action-based perspective, touching on career choice, and not causing nightmares! Core Insight:Teenagers have much greater cognitive capabilities than they often get credit for. In 10 minutes the various groups grasped the technical essence of climate change, the reasons behind political frameworks of systemic favouritism and corruption, the inevitable moral choice ahead, and the excitement that comes from working on the solution rather than being part of the problem.
The opportunity consisted of speaking at the assemblies (15 minutes, first thing in the morning, multiple classes together, ~350 kids + teachers), and during several joint classes, ranging in size from 20 to 150. Individual presentations were made, catering for each individual audience and age group. Overall the content included a varying mix of "Climate Change and Greenhouse Effect", "Science vs Belief", "Corporate Influence in News and Information", "Current Developments in Sustainability", Roles of the group members in the "Energy Revolution" or wider sustainability. Depending on the group emphasis was changed. A voiced-over summary of the slide master can be seen on the Aberdeen Climate Action youtube page [here].